Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Food Log Printable

With the new year already here and our decision on becoming healthier, we tend to make resolutions like "being healthy" or "eat less junk food". Keeping a food log can help us actually SEE what, and how much we really eat. A lot of the time we tend to get into food ruts and eat the same thing over and over, and what fun is that?

I thought I ate a good amount of vegetables but when I actually started to keep track of what I ate, I saw that I actually didn't really eat that many vegetables. And that I tended to go for the fast and easy processed food route. So last year I made it a goal of mine to "eat the rainbow in fruits and vegetables" and i'm proud to say that I have tried so many things that I didn't even know existed! Some I found I didn't like, and some have now become my favorite new foods!

So here is a free printable food log you can download and start the new year off right!

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year, New You!

With the start of a new year we all start to think about how to make this new year even better. How to make ourselves even better. So we come up with our "new year's resolutions" list. But as we all know too well, the gung ho attitude we start the new year off with tends to get faint really quick. Especially when we see that we are not reaching our goals.

So should you come up with a "new year's resolutions" list? YES! just make your goals list more realistic.

  • be specific about your goals
  • have a detailed game plan for each of your goals
  • write down why those are your goals, be specific
  • be accountable
  • don't make excuses 
  • make short & long term goals
Download the New Year, New You Goals Printable and get started on making 2014 even better!