Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fat Talk

I must admit, I have put myself and my body down. Pointing to all my flaws, pulling on my fat and calling myself names. And in the end, it makes me feel horrible about myself. Depressed. A failure. 
So why do we do it? I know, hear, and see a lot of other women do it. And even more disturbing to me, young girls as young as pre-schoolers in my dance classes do this to themselves. We need to stop putting ourselves down. This, I know is easier said than done. Especially when we have been doing it for so long. But we need to break away from this cycle. We need to teach our young girls to not hate themselves. Instead let's get ourselves into action and choose to eat a little healthier, get active a little more, and compliment our selves a little every day. Let's try not to focus so much on our flaws, failures, and imperfections and instead focus on what makes us happy, and what we DO like about ourselves. 

Let's make it a part of our new year's resolution to stop fat talking to ourselves. 

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