Sunday, January 5, 2014

Purple Sweet Potatoes & Quinoa

In my quest to try and eat a larger variety of food. Now, normally I eat sweet potatoes during the holidays when they are covered in marshmallows and brown sugar. But my husband saw these purple sweet potatoes at the grocery store the other day and surprised me with them. So I decided to bake them like baked potatoes and slice them like purple steaks. I decided to make myself a purple dinner and accompany my sweet potatoes with some black quinoa (which looks purple after it's cooked), and added some spinach . Now, you can pour your favorite sauce on them or even season the sweet potatoes any way you like. But if you are a little odd like me, I just left my sweet potatoes plain. I love the natural flavor of food, so I tend to use very little sauces and seasonings in my recipes.

Sweet Potatoes are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in your body, high in fiber, and vitamin C.

Sweet Potatoes & Quinoa
serves about 2


  • 1 large sweet potato
  • quinoa cooked according to package
  • spinach
  • I just baked the sweet potatoes like I would regular potatoes in the oven
  • I cooked the quinoa in the rice cooker according to package
When the sweet potatoes where done, I just sliced them and put them on top of the quinoa and spinach and went to town!

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