Monday, January 20, 2014

When To Say No To Food

NO. A simple two letter word.

 My parents come from a really poor upbringing where food was not always available at every meal. So, I grew up with the mentality of "you must eat and finish all of your food". This also applied to when we visited friends or family. If the host offered us food, it was rude to decline. Even if you weren't hungry, or didn't like it. It was pretty much an obligation that we had to accept whatever food was offered to us. Now, you can see how this can set you up for failure in the future. As an adult, I had to re-teach myself how to eat. It sounds kind of extreme for a problem that has such a simple solution, "just say no". But after most of my life being told one thing and having it become habit, a way of life. It can take a while to reverse it. 

When visiting family, they always want to feed me. And for the longest time I would eat their food offerings, even though I would be full, or might not like it. But then I realized. I am only hurting my body by force feeding it. 

So I started to say no. 

And let me tell you how hard it was. For the longest time, after saying "no" to food offerings during visits, I would feel so guilty. I felt like I was being rude. And that I needed to accept their gift. I started to dread visiting family, because all I could think of was, "I'm being  rude" or "they probably think I'm being completely rude". I had to constantly keep reminding myself that I was only hurting myself by force feeding it. Slowly, it started to get easier. I would accept their food if I was hungry, but I started to not feel as guilty when I declined their food. 

I know this is a learning process. And I am getting better. Even to this day, I at times feel guilty for not taking their "food gifts" or "offerings". 

So, don't feel obligated to eat when you are not hungry. Don't feel obligated to finish your food.  Learn to say NO

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