Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Activity Log Printable

"Exercise More" is one of the top resolutions/goals for people and what better way to see non-physical progress than keeping an activity log. 

We all want to see physical changes in a short period of time, but realistically it takes time to see physical changes from when we first start exercising. But we have to remember that there are non-physical changes, like being able to hold a plank longer, run more miles, noticing you don't get winded as often doing every day things like when taking the stairs, or even when putting on your socks/shoes is easier.

When you keep track of these small progresses it can keep you motivated and keep you successful in keeping your goals.

Print out our free printable activity log and get started!
*note- in the weight column, you can keep track of the amount of weight you can curl, press, etc.*

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